El Stoltzfus: Critically ill with COVID, almost killed by hospital, life saved by MATH+ protocol

3 years ago

This is the testimonial of El Stolzfus. Because she was not informed well, she only started effective COVID treatment on day 12 of her disease. By then she was already so sick that she needed to be rushed to the hospital that same day.

The hospital pushed toxic and ineffective remdesivir on her, to which to she a bad reaction. The hospital neglected her. They didn't help her with her bad reaction to remdesivir. They nurses were so afraid of catching COVID that they put El's her food just inside her room, but refused to come close to her to hand it over. El was so weak, she could not go get the food.

After calling her husband to come rescue her from hospital neglect and mistreatment, she went home and started the FLCCC MATH+ protocol.

Within just one day she started to feel better. This is clear proof that the improvement is not just coincidence, but due to the treatment.

Some possible takeaways from this story and in general are:

1. The MATH+ protocol is safe and highly effective. (I knew this already, but it's nice to have additional confirming evidence.)

2. Hospitals are have committed crimes against their patients and are continuing to do so. It's so bad that families are having to resort to rescue missions.

3. The ignorance and fear among nurses and other medical personnel is enormous. That this is still the case after almost 2 f-ing years, is a disgrace.

4. Prepare yourself.
Know WHAT you have to do when you have a respiratory infection: intensive combination treatment with safe repurposed medicines, supplements and treatments such as nasal rinse.
Know WHEN you have to do these things: immediately.
Make sure that you have all required ingredients at home.
Try to stay out of U.S. hospitals at all costs. If you have no choice, make sure to say that you are already using certain effective medications and supplements (even if this is a lie) when you enter hospital. Upon your request, the hospital MUST by law keep giving these to you. Also make sure that you have power of attorney sorted out, because your family members may have to come rescue you.

SOURCE: https://odysee.com/@FrontlineCovid19CriticalCareAlliance:c/Marcy-Bliss-MS-Landscape-Vid-360p:7

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