Tartaria. 1712 non-existing years added to History from the time when Alexander the great was born.

3 years ago

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1712 non-existing years added to History from the time when Alexander the great was born.

Published: 30/July/2021
All of the history books which exist in the education system are written in the 19th century AD in the German-Nordic Institute, so everything from 1900 AD and back into the history, there is not a single original document, manuscript, or book. They added 1712 non existing years to the timeline starting from the date of birth of Alexander the Great, which was on the 21 July 1356 AD, 665 years ago.
The German-Nordic Institute was financed and founded by Jews about 300 years ago, with the only purpose, to falsify the entire history, and every other subject we learn at schools today. In 2012 it was closed down after it had done its job, and all records of its existence on internet erased, so no one can find any trace of it. When it closed down, it morphed into today’s official education of the World.
I found out about this German-Nordic institute from Macedonian history writer by the name of Dr. Petar Popovski, who spoke extensively in his books about it when in his in-depth research of World history found a lot of inconsistencies of fake history German Nordic institute promoted and written about it.
**Those 1712 non-existing years were added to history in 3 phases: **
1. Three World rulers added to history 297 non-existing years between 1500AD and 1900AD.
According to German historian Heribert Illig, the Gregorian calendar is a lie, and a chunk of 297 years of Middle Ages was completely made up.
In 1991, Heribert Illig claims there was conspiracy back in time by 3 World rulers who got together and changed the calendar, adding to it 297 non-existing years.
Heribert Illig further claims that the trio altered existing documents and created fraudulent historical events and people, in order to back themselves up. He claims that fake Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne was not in fact a real ruler, but simply a King Arthur-type legend. He explains that through all of this tampering and forgery, an extra 297 years were added to history.
Heribert Illig says that an inadequate system of dating medieval artifacts, as well as an over-reliance on written history are to blame. According to his research, the years between 614 and 911 AD do not quite add up. The years prior to 614 were full of historically significant events, as were the years after 911, however, he claims that the ones in between were unusually dull.
Heribert Illig was not alone with this claim. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz published a paper in 1995 titled “Did the Early Middle Ages Really Exist?” Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz concluded that Early Middle Ages Never Exist, but it is a fictional fabrication of events and people to fill in that period of non-existing 297 years.
2. Between 1152 AD and 1500 AD, 263 non-existing years were added to history!
“Between 1152 AD and 1500 AD the Renaissance period. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Niemitz wrote, “Between 1152 AD and 1500 AD historians count approximately 263 years too many in their chronology.”
**3. Anatoly Fomenko discovered another 1152 non-existing years were added to history from the time when Jesus was born until 1152 AD. **
A person by the name of Joseph Scaliger, who was a French Jesuit monk, who created what we know as Zero AD, the birth of Christ, and 33 years later Christ was crucified. And that sets the timeline we still to this day follow. So, everyone looks at Zero and goes back, but in reality, this scientist, and a mathematician from Russia by the name of Fomenko, has written 7 volumes about this, and had spent 27 years studding this problem with the history. Fomenko proved through the use of astronomy, and astronomical forensics, that Jesus Christ was born in 1152 years later than the official year 2021 years ago. According to the star of Bethlehem where it was in the sky at the time. He could reverse-engineer with an algorithm and with the software that he developed, to actually look at the Luna eclipses, the Solar eclipses, all the things that were recorded in so called ‘ancient books’, he can cross-reference with an actual position where the moon is going to be. Today we know exactly when Luna events are going to happen down to the second precision, and Fomenko used the same knowledge of today to actually backdate and calculate that at the point what we know of Zero AD, it was actually in 1152.
It was in 1152 when the Star of Bethlehem was in the specific location in the sky, when Jesus was born.
The true timeline chronology of history from the date when Alexander the Great was born runs like this:
Alexander the Great was born on the 21 July 1356 AD, which was 665 years ago from today’s 2021.
Prior to that it was the civilization of Atlantis, which suffered similar fate like Tartaria.
The New Timeline began with Philip-II, Alexander’s father in around 1300 AD.
Ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, and ancient Rome never existed.
OttoMan – German name for Turkish empire! Ottoman empire was not founded as they tell us in 1299, but in 1852 AD and dissolved in 1922 AD, which only lasted for 70 years, and had never established full control of Macedonian Peninsular, today known as Balkan Peninsular. Ottoman empire was founded and financed by German Jews, and the sovereigns' main rulers Sultan, Padishah (Emperor) and Khan were all German Jews, but the highest official title of honour called ‘Pasha -Turkish Paşa’ were all English Jews.
Imagine how much creative fiction writing and lies had to be fantasised and invented to fill up those 1712 non-existing years with history!!! So many lies, falsehoods, fabrications, deceptions, fictional myths, imaginary legends etc, etc, had to be invented by the scam-writers at the German-Nordic institute, which no wonder it took a period of 300 years to be completed.
They have messed up the history and its chronology so much that even today religious officials are neck-in-neck with disagreements, because there is NOT a single historical original document which is older than 200 years for anyone to read and consult.
It would be good to mention here that before the creation of the traditional chronology, there were about 200+ dates who wanted to adapt history to the biblical concept. The age difference was really impressive. The period from Creation to Jesus Christ was in the interval between 3,483 and 6,984 years. More than 3,500 years difference.
What they did it was they took names and events from the real Tartarian-Macedonian history and invented a lot of fictional stories which never existed, to create fake narrative of events and names, and published it in millions of fake history books, which New World Order education system is using to teach the masses today.
So, there is not a single ORIGINAL BOOK in existence today which is older than 200 years, and every single public book in existence is a fictional story written in the German-Nordic Institute, which after 300 years of its life was closed down in 2012, having fabricated every single subject we learn at school and universities around the World.
Imagine how many professors with masters and doctors’ degrees of history have gone through a pain-staking education process reading thousands of invented fake books full of lies.
But the small number of these fiction history writers had a hidden agender when they were fabricating the history. They hid the true history in coded patterns in the books they wrote, so when they read these books today, they can consult the coded guidelines to de-code it, which will tell them the true history of the World, which to the ordinary reader, who does not have the coded guidelines to understand it correctly, will have false narrative and different understanding. It is all about games with words.
The true history is hidden in the open in books right there in front of you, but you need to know how to de-code it to be able to understand it correctly.
Remember what Terence Kemp McKenna, an American ethnobotanist and mystic said about ‘Words’:
— with Bobby Cooper."


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