Hawaii's new year’s child vaccination video draws fire before it’s pulled: Get keiki vaccinated

3 years ago

Hawaii's Department of Health (DOH) aired this 2022 new year's commercial urging parents to get their children COVID vaxxed.

The following article describes how the commercial was pulled after getting much criticism:


The criticism is not so much about getting children vaxxed, but about not doing things that are actually essential and desirable, such as eating healthier, moving, and spending less than you earn.

The DOH acknowledges that this was "not our best work". They wanted to emphasize how quick and easy it is to get your child vaxxed. This may be true, but eating junk food, being a couch potato and spending more than you earn are also quick and easy. The quick and easy road often leads to an undesirable destination, such as obesity, disease and debt.

If you care about your child's health and wellbeing, whether an intervention is quick and easy should have an incredibly LOW priority.

Vaccinating your child is indeed incredibly easy and quick, but the risks and harms outweigh the benefits by a mile. Therefore, vaccinating children for COVID is a complete disgrace, regardless of how easy and quick it is. Parents should not so think how easy it is so vaccinate their keiki, but how easy it is to UNVACCINATE their keiki after they've been vaccinated and are having vaccine adverse effects.

P.S. The comment section of the linked article is actually quite good. Most commenters (@Mike excluded), are wide awake and not mincing words. That MauiNow seems to be a main stream website (and not Robert Malone's Substack page for example), is a lot of good news. It tells me the general public, not just a tiny extremely well informed subsection, are waking up and pissed off.

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