Dr. Robert Malone reveals the nature of Mass Formation

3 years ago

Dr. Robert Malone explains the phenomenon of Mass Formation and those who are caught up in it.

It's like Mass Hypnosis where the person under the influence is brainwashed to only believe in a narrative by those that they trust, regardless of facts that prove otherwise.

In the minds of the brainwashed masses, perceived reality is created by the falsehoods of the media and political leaders who coordinate their lies and control the minds of those that are absorbed by it. Hitler did this to the intellectuals in Germany and they were driven into madness.

This is happening now on a global level. This short video exposes the methodology used to subvert the minds of the masses to believe in the lies within the coordinated narrative they use to alter reality.

Yuri Bezmenov warned the world about Ideological subversion back in the middle 80's. We didn't listen. Now we have billions of people who reject facts in favor of a delusion of reality.

Frightening material.

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