Japan's 300-Years-ago-common-sense shows why mRNA Vax is DANGEROUS !

3 years ago

The linked video is a Japanese High School Education material almost half century ago, which explains Japanese old medicines and the manufacturing method of Samurai era. Those days, 200-300 years ago, there were no chemicals, only crude drugs used in Japan. No one knew what the active ingredients in herbs and how much they were contain. So doctors changed the prescription for each patient according to their symptoms. Yet they'd known "Poison is Medicine" and "Medicine is Poison". It's common sense that "Any medicine can simply be poisonous if it is overdose". This is the base of any medication even now. The mRNA vaccination risk is easily derived from this common sense.

mRNA Vax is NOT metabolized, like other medicines, directly, they enters human cells in body to synthesize spike proteins. This spike protein stimulates immunity to produce antibodies. Then just think about the amount of them..? Doctors can easily control the amount of active ingredients in blood stream if ordinal medicines, just control how much intake or inject in order to increase or decrease the amount in blood stream. That's the same method in Samurai era. While in case of mRNA vaccination, you can see it's very difficult once injected into human body. Same amount of mRNA injection never makes same amount spike protein or antibodies needless to say, because each person has each unique immunity. That depends on the age, sex, race, underlying disease, body condition, ...etc. Now you can understand why the vaccination have risk. Once overproduction, either the spike proteins or antibodies, in human body, no control any more..., it's just POISON !!

--- (c) 2022 Osamu Terao, Allrights reserved ---

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