REAL Apolitical News/End of Days Discussion 1/20/22

3 years ago

#realapoliticalnews #endofdaysdiscussion

Another half hour of current events discussion topics and music and comedy entertainment in the mix.
Temperal Rick w/ The Woid on the fate of a tennis star, but not what you think.
End of Days Discussion with a little positivity for scary biblical prophecy for "ye of little faith".
Gather for original #wisebandssay Christian music selection is "Two Or More" performed by J Patrick Morgan.
Alterego appeals to Nexrad scientists about how he never gets to see astral anomalies due to cloud cover at the times they take place. 🙄
THE Wise Bands Say Dude 😎 takes a sh-- I mean crap all over the NIH's Gain of Function experiments as not only irresponsible, but highly suspicious genetic manipulating psychopathy.

#electricscootersolarroadshow #faithoverfear #PreparedNotScared #iwillsurvive

I report the #truth so help me God, and as always I'm here to #makeAmericaLessRetarded

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