Blindspot #026 - BodyBombs Away! Taliban 'stands up' a Suicide Brigade

3 years ago

Blindspot #026 - BodyBombs Away! Taliban stands up a Suicide Brigade

Blindspot #026 zooms into one story today. It is because the subject under consideration, or rather, the act under investigation, being Suicide Bombing, tends to leave very many unidentifiable spare parts in its wake. Blindspot admits that it is indeed a rather hugely disruptive subject.

The story is rather straight forward. In the past week reports surfaced that the Taliban government in Afghanistan announced plans to stand up a Suicide Brigade.

Of course, this brigade will be deployed for operations of a very special kind. A veritable one way operational street awaits these sacrificial soldierly lambs. And no, at the end of their days, they are most definitely not silent.

Blindspot asks: Is it bravery, is it brutality, or is it just one more odd manifestation of the morbid fascination humans have with the invention of ever more gruesome ways of whacking each other?

As the rest of the world is plummeting down the rabbit hole of unmanned and autonomous weaponry, the Taliban is going in the opposite direction… Meat Body Bombs.

But, here is the question, now that the Taliban has stood up a Suicide Brigade, will this become a benchmark export, like the Poppy plant product it so well known for?

And, with increasingly vicious Islamic extremist driven insurgencies in Africa, and very close to home in Mozambique and the DRC, will that export product, and more importantly the ‘idea’ thereof (not the Poppy, but the Popping Suicide Bomber export product/idea), make it into the doctrine of Islamic State fighting African government forces - including South Africa?

It is not a question as to whether time will tell. It is a statement of fact, that time will indeed tell that the troop contributing countries fighting Islamic State and al Qaeda off-shoot elements in Africa, will increasingly fall prey to the Suicide Soldier!

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