Beyond the Known: True Security

3 years ago

We are all challenged to navigate through an increasingly crazy and unstable world in which we all wonder what is coming next: more tyranny? More plagues upon our houses? Civil war? Ascension? Great Reset? Economic crash? False flags? Military actions? ETs?
Prophecies and predictions abound, but what can we really truly know for sure about the future?All this heightens our sense of insecurity and makes us prone to easy answers and misguided leadership. Susan Pitcairn suggests that, to act wisely, it is helpful to realize that there are two kinds of security, based on very different foundations:
(1) The KNOWN. We all seek security and predictability and control from knowing things (or BELIEVING we know) and trusting those we consider experts. But ideas and knowledge, useful as they can be, are all based on thought, which is basically limited, passing and ever-changing. And so the “Known” is fundamentally insecure, like all form, much as we hate to admit it. What we think we know one day can be pulled out from under us the next.
(2) The UNKNOWN. Though being willing to NOT “know the answers” may sound like an insecure position, it is arguably the foundation for a much deeper and timeless security. We are not talking about ignorance or stupidity, but a humble acknowledgement and surrender to the fact that there is an infinite Mystery behind all life. Somehow it expresses within each of us and All That Is. Call it Life/Consiousness/Spirit/Source/Essence/ or God. Whatever term we use is not this essence itself. Like space, it is beyond form, and no words can ever capture its infinity. Yet we can sense it, tap into it, feel it, when we abide in a certain stillness and inner presence. When we quiet down and rest in that benevolent space we can sense when we are still, we don’t have to know the past or the future, ultimately. It’s not only OK to not know, it feels better.

And that’s for the best. As J. Krishnamurti described it, this is “freedom from the known.” While, knowledge can be useful for practical things, much of what we consider knowledge or information is a matter of opinion and belief, full of opposites and contradictions that create division, conflict, fear, greed and all that plagues humanity. We have never seen this as clearly as today in the early 2020s.

The Unknown, by contrast, is beyond the mind, free of words and beliefs. When we suspend what we think we know and trust Life to guide us, we discover a state of mind that is much more peaceful, creative and open to the intelligence of the universe that is running the entire show. It fosters positive thoughts, insights and synchronicities.

Today this is especially essential, as never before, as we witness a world in turmoil. And the more of us that are able to step back emotionally, psychologically, politically and culturally from the limits of the "known," the more that we collectively developing the consiousness that can unite humanity in a purposeful, harmonious world that works for each of us and all of us. And that can allow us to use knowledge as it is meant to be used, in a practical sense, for practical things, but not as the fundamental basis for our happiness and well being.

For that, we need only surrender to the peace that is everywhere, at all times and places. Closer than breathing. Yes, right here. Right now.

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