NOLA City Hall Battle Over 5G Safety- EPIC FAIL/Intellectual Dishonesty w/ SHAM "Health Panel"

2 years ago

Even though they turned 5G on in the greater New Orleans area on Dec 17th, 2021, the liability battle is NOT over!

5G & Covid, the CONNECTION ~ NOLAbutterfly Testifies @ Capital Against Adding Covid J4B 4 Kids

Here's a well researched lady (start 5 mins in if short on time) explaining how you can read the CORONA AGENDA for yourself direct from the World Economic Forum and the link to the MULTI LAYERED MAP and plan of action for a network of global governance.

The following are my linked notes on 5G the flu vaccine and its relation to Corona.

TIMELINE of Events Leading Up to the Wuhan Corona Epidemic

Oct 31, 2019 Wuhan wins the race becomes 1st 5G City 60Ghz turned on throughout the city.
Dec 1 2019 Flu Vax Becomes Mandatory
2-3 weeks later the CORONA PANDEMIC STARTS

-China’s 5G Networks Go Live Today. It Could Be Bad News for Apple Oct 31, 2019
-China's Mandatory Vaccination Law Went Into Effect on December 1, 2019

As an ACTIVIST who spent 6 months trying to get New Orleans' city hall to prove 5G was safe and after they promised us a health panel but refused our EMF expert doctors' call in testimony (we couldn't afford to fly them down), while allowing industry experts to bamboozle the council, they FAILED to produce a single study that proved 5G was safe for life on earth. We are going to galvanize again. WE DON'T NEED ANOTHER WUHAN.

Flu vaccine has been PROVEN BY THE Dept of Defense to INCREASE YOUR RISK of CORONA and PNEUMONIA infections:

-Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defense personnel during the 2017-2018 influenza season

And EMF (electromagnetic frequency) causes viral outbreaks:

-Exposure to a 50 Hz electromagnetic field induces activation of the Epstein-Barr virus genome in latently infected human lymphoid cells

As well as a threat to life and human health:

-Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health

And 5G an even worse danger:

-The Dangers Of 5G – 11 Reasons To Be Concerned

Some more important studies. This one proves that tumors can be caused by electric fields BELOW exposure limits to humans :

Proof there are effects to Non-Thermal Non-ionizing radiation:

Proof EMF sensitivity is NOT in the mind:

BOTH EMF and Blue Light disrupts Melatonin levels in humans:

-Sleep, Melatonin and Light at Night

-Pineal Melatonin Level Disruption in Humans Due to Electromagnetic Fields & ICNIRP Limits

Excellent new research explains why pregnant women in their third trimester, and children under 9 have been spared ANY mortality thus far… AMPLE Melatonin Production:

-COVID-19, Pneumonia & Inflammasomes – The Melatonin Connection ***MUST READ!***


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Raphaelle O'Neil <>
Date: Fri, May 17, 2019 at 10:00 PM
Subject: Notice of Health Liability from 5G Rollout - Questions NOLA NEEDS Answered
To: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

Dear Council Members Williams, Moreno, Banks, Giarrusso, Palmer, Brossett, & Nguyen,

I am writing today in hopes of having questions answered that have yet to be answered that were first asked 6 months ago, when I and others first attended the Smart & Sustainable meetings to voice some of our deep concerns for the health, safety, and security of the citizens of New Orleans in regards to this historic and unconstitutional, 5G rollout. And I have yet more questions, some still unanswered and some new based on the outcome of deployment and promisesmade prior to it.

Since it is, with all due respect, you, who voted for the ordinances that will change New Orleans’ landscape who will ultimately be liable for our future health regarding these towers, since the choice rested in your hands; and,since Williams validated that it was his and your “opinions” that has led to your decisions to override the health concerns of the population (giving the precautionary principle to industry rather than humanity with what appearsto be gross prejudice), we ask that you satisfy our request and answer these 4 questions, at this time.

Because if we are to accept that our lives rest in the balance of an opinionthat we believe contradicts the science which proves EMF is indeed hazardous to humanity, and that goes against the multiple pleas and warnings brought up by us, thousands of peer reviewed studies, and international appeals from scientists and health experts world-wide, then we will need to know exactly whichstudies SPECIFICALLYyou are basing your opinion on.

1) Which STUDIES SPECIFICALLYhave proven 5G technology is safe for humanity? NOT which “agency” has a set of studies, but rather, which scientific study are you siting exactly as evidence that 5G is safe for biological systems?

We have poured over whatever studies were visibleby the FCC, ACS, NIH, FDA, NCI, ICNIRP, and have found none that do this so we ask for you to share with us the specific studies. Our studies have been ignored, or deemed unworthy in light of WHICH studies exactly of the agencies you site? Until you can produce a single, solitary, & solid study that does not include only incomplete & biased truths, then unfortunately the liability for ignoring the warnings will be on you, morally & spiritually, if not legally.

As you stated Mr. Williams, you have chosen to let your opinion trump our health concerns, and have even allowed industry interests to trivialize the suffering of those who have come forth with symptoms, labeling them as “idiopathic”- having real symptoms from an imaginary source- and since we cannot allow our health to pend on unsubstantiated beliefs, it is now you, as a public servant who needs to explain to us where your “beliefs” source from. Surely, you would not have taken on this liability without being able to site a single study, so WHICH peer reviewed study specificallyconvinced you that 5G was safe for humans beyond any doubts.

2) RE: Resolution R-18-536 page 3 paragraph 2 states:

“WHEREAS, the Council also desires to incorporate public safety technology, such as gunshot sensors, smart street lights, crime stat data bases, traffic and crowd management technology, etc., into the grid and its Smart Cities initiative; and

a) Exactly what is “crowd management technology”, b) what does ETC. mean EXACTLY, and c) how is 5G and the IoT going to help implement that?

3) We were told by Councilman Williams that there would be an opt out option because “nothing will ever be forced onto anyone’s property or anyone’s residence”. Since EMF is scientifically & measurably proven to radiate any given field, and since our bodies are our properties, we find that we are trespassed upon already and so seek to know how we will be able to opt out of further radiation from the 5G field that you have agreed to unleash on the NOLA citizenry. HOW MAY WE OPT OUT of exposure to millimeter wave radiation exactly?

4) The FCC only states how much radiation we can be exposed to at any one given time, but who is overseeing how much radiation totalwe are exposed to in an overlapped field?? If there is no one whose job it is to see to our cumulative exposure, HOW CAN WE CREATE an agency that will be liable for our overall health, since we do not live in a vacuum and are exposed, at any given time, to multiple sources of radiation. SO

a) Who’s manning the cocktail??

b) If no one is, then we want a remedy to that and demand an interactive, user-friendly map that easily shows which towers belong to who exactly, how much they are broadcasting at at EACH minute of broadcast, showing the exact overlap map be created to fairly show us how much overlap we are exposed to so that WE THE PEOPLE can accurately measure our exposure.

You cannot in GOOD FAITH say you have served the public, nor seen to their safety if you allow the controversial, outdated, safety standard of one tower to be overlapped with others in the field of human exposure and not consider these implications.

I know Moreno & Williams both have mentioned wanting input from the public, but for that to not ring hollow, it needs to be met with real, intellectually honest dialogue & transparent & accountable choices by those who are charged with representing us.

People are already reporting symptoms and outrage. Some are very irate, some are scared, but the quality of commitment that is coming in is dedicated to this issue in the long haul. New Orleans has and will continue to witness how you overrode their well-being for the interests of industry, and are now looking to see how you remedy this, before our own elementary school kids start dying in undeniable clusters:

We leave you with these 4 burning questions today, and hope that our relationship over the coming years will be a positive one. We look forward to seeing the study that proves you have indeed given valid consideration to the matter, weighing all of the evidence to the benefit of the people, something we have not been satisfied or convinced of yet, and hope to get some answers we can move forward on, regarding the rest, as well.

We pray this story ends in greater cooperation with all that which is in public interest & seek to understand the opinionson which you based your actions on, since as of yet, we simply do not.

Anxiously Awaiting Your Answer,

Raphaelle O’Neil, et al. in the growing Stop 5G NOLA/LA. Community

P.S. An example of one city council that STOOD UP for their citizens and agreed to accept and challenge the lawsuit unconstitutionally threatened upon them by the FCC who has no health regulatory power or oversight in Danville, CA.:

VS. Our results attempting to get NOLA City Council to heed caution:

International Appeals:

Non-thermal, non ionizing effects of EMF:

EMF health effects are NOT "idiopathic":

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