Biden’s Worst Press Conference Yet?

2 years ago

Yesterday was a very bad day for President Biden. The Left’s attempt for a federal takeover of elections is now dead. It failed to pass, now joining his Build Back Better legislation on his administration’s growing list of defeats. Then to top it off, in a press conference, President Biden made several disconcerting remarks that gave the American people cause for panic.

President Biden expressed that the 2022 elections might be rigged after he openly criticized his predecessor for stating exactly the same concern. To make matters worse, he made comments stating the U.S. response to a potential minor Russian invasion compared to a large-scale invasion into Ukraine. President Biden was forced to release several press statements to walk back on his responses.

When President Biden was asked after his voting rights legislation was not passed, would the 2022 election outcomes still be accurate? He responded:

"Well, it all depends on whether or not we are able to make the case to the American people that some of this is being set up to try to alter the outcome of the election."

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki had to immediately release a press statement to cover up his prediction that the upcoming election could be rigged.

Then, it gets worse. The next comment that President Biden made was about a potential Russian invasion:

"I think what you’re going to see is that Russia will be held accountable if it invades, and it depends on what it does. It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion and we end up having to fight about what to do and not do. . . . but if they actually do what they’re capable of doing with the forces amassed on the border, it is going to be a disaster for Russia if they further invade Ukraine.’"

So, you have the President of the United States giving a green light for a minor invasion into Ukraine. CNN Senior International Correspondent Matthew Chance explained the response from the Ukrainians:

"I mean, they watched those remarks, I think, with horror. One Ukrainian official who I’ve been in close contact with while this marathon press conference is underway said that he was, I’m quoting here, shocked that President Biden would give a green light to Vladimir Putin in this way, that the U.S. President would distinguish between an incursion and an invasion, and then suggests that a minor incursion would elicit a lesser response than a more full invasion. The big concern, of course, which is what he was alluding to, is that it gives Putin – and this is another quote – it gives the green light to Putin to enter Ukraine at his pleasure."

ACLJ Senior Advisor for National Security and Foreign Policy and former Acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell commented on President Biden’s remarks:

"All we have been hearing for really weeks and months is that diplomacy is back. And this is a Biden Administration that has mocked the Trump Administration for not being able to get stuff done. And what we’ve seen now this morning, is that the President of Ukraine had to go out and send a message to the President of the United States that he was basically wrong about his assumptions. This is a really frighteningly weak moment for the Biden Administration. Coming off Afghanistan . . . and now Joe Biden saying that small incursions of rewriting the land boundaries of Europe are going to be okay, as long as they are small – that’s really what the message was. This is frightening."

Not only did President Biden invite Putin into Ukraine, but he threw NATO under the bus as well when he said:

"Most important thing to do: big nations can’t bluff, number one. And number two, the idea that we would do anything to split NATO, which would be a – have a profound impact on one of — one of Putin’s objectives is to weaken NATO – would be a big mistake."

ACLJ Senior Military Analyst Wes Smith gave his take on why he would say that

"The whole news conference was filled with weak incoherent messaging. He threw NATO under the bus. I think probably what happened is this – in the National Security Council, they discuss and wargame all kinds of scenarios, the President is included in those conversations. I think they probably talked about what happens if there was a minor incursion. That was not for public information. Those conversations are beyond top secret. I think the President actually just revealed conversations he’s having with his national security staff."

This press conference was weak, and it did instill fear not only onto the American people but onto our allies around the world as well.

Today’s full Sekulow broadcast is complete with even more analysis of President Biden’s press conference.

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