Sharia Law Explained: What does Sharia Law say about Beating Women, Wives, and Marriage👩✋☪🚔

3 years ago

Sharia Law Explained is the truth about what the Islamic law/Sharia law says about Beating Women, wives, and marriage. We will cover why Women are being Abused by Muslim men. This is the Eighth part of nine, about what Sharia law states. By the end we should have a better understanding of why there is such a massive problem with Muslim refugees in Germany and what may happen with Muslim refugees in America. We will be covering what Sharia law states about the following:Art and Music, Leaving or Examining Islam, Stealing, Sex and Honor Killings, Slavery, Holy War (Jihad), Any Non-Muslims, Women, and Homosexuality.

#Islam #Sharia #Women #Rights #Muslim

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