The Lighthouse

2 years ago

⛵️ The Lighthouse ⛵️
I love singing these old gospels. There is just a special anointing on them that brings life and peace to me when I sing them.
Where would we be without the lighthouse, Jesus? I know this ship would have been ripped apart long, long ago if it hadn't been for Him shining His light for me to see the truth around me. It's that light that has brought me through years of times of dark valleys. Oh how lost I've felt at times with no hope in sight. But He was always there and came with His peace that passes all understanding and together we walked through it. He has never failed me once!
If you're in a dark valley and it feels like no hope is in sight. Just call out His name and surrender
whatever it is your battling to Him. Just lay it all down at His feet and surrender yourself to Him.
Then let His peace overflow through you and just rest. Don't try to figure things out, you never will and
all your doing is wearing yourself out with imaginations. Trust Him, let Him take over for you. Rest, listen to some worship music and let His Holy Spirit minister to you. I promise He will not let you down. He's your best friend, talk to Him.
God bless you all and your always in my prayers.
Love, Cecilia 🌷

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