On Biden, Russia, The Voting Rights Bill, COVID Disruptions, And Dems Who Cross This Administration

3 years ago


Will and Chris Reid discuss Biden's abysmal press conference yesterday, zeroing in on his Russia blunder and Jen Psaki's (Will calls her President Psaki) quick Twitter cleanup of his remarks. And speaking of Jen Psaki, Will plays a clip of her appearance on Fox News this morning in which she "clarifies" Biden's blunder on the legitimacy of this year's elections in light of the failure of the Voting Rights Bill to pass. Finally, who is Henry Cuellar? He's a Democrat who's been very vocal about Biden's border blunders. And now he's being investigated by the FBI; Chris and Will muse as to why they have him in their sights.

#Biden #BidenPressConference #Russia #Putin #BorisJohnson #COVID #VaccineMandates #JenPsaki #VotingRightsAct #Filibuster #JoeManchin #KyrstenSinema #Ukraine #ColdWar #Obama #HenryCuellar #FoxNews #CNN #FBI

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