Vaccine passports. Life for people living in New York City.

3 years ago

Video credit: Instagram username @leeroypress @newyorkfreedomrally2 @jospeakstruth_
Happening in NY, New York. The largest city in America. How will history look back on this moment? If “Silence is Complicity”, What does it mean when a nation remains silent as their fellow Americans are subject to injustice in the largest city in America? This is not a Democrat vs Republican issue. This is an American issue. This is a civil rights issue. This is an issue of Right vs Wrong.

The case for vaccine passports ended when President Biden’s CDC Director announced that these vaccines do not prevent transmission. This has since been validated by the high transmission/infection rates seen in vaccinated and boosted communities. Also, countries like Gibraltar that achieved a 100% vaccination rate and still experienced a surge in cases. An honest media would be raising this issue with leadership and holding them accountable for mandates that are no longer supported by “Science”. This is exactly why people seek out alternative sources of information. Objective news and Journalistic integrity has been compromised, likely as a result of direct to consumer advertising which is prohibited in almost every other country but ours.

What is the point of showing a vaccine passport if the vaccine does not prevent transmission? There is no purpose other then to restrict the freedom and punish people with natural immunity for non compliance.This is extremely unethical and wrong.

Since Covid, we have seen this trend where massive amounts of wealth are being transferred to the top 1%. Vaccine passports are another tool for extremely wealthy corporations like IBM and Microsoft to make more money (*Ironically, Both corporations are listed as partners on The World Economic Forum Website- “You will own nothing, and you will be happy*) They also generate more revenue for Pharmaceutical giants like Pfizer and Moderna( *both companies also listed partners on World Economic Forum), at the expense of the American people. Vaccine passports are another means to crush small business who are being forced to turn away their loyal patrons. When you examine this from the idea of “owning nothing, and being happy” it seems like large corporations(most who are listed partners of World Economic Forum, “Great Reset”) have used Covid to form a massive monopoly, which should raise the possibility of things like Racketeering. It is time for Americans to come together under very basic fundamentals. We need to start asking questions and getting answers.

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