The Metaverse Is a Lie

3 years ago

Where do we see ourselves fitting into the metaverse? What do we hope it will become? Will it be a persistent world with universal access, limitless freedom and creation, and boundless possibilities? Will it be a dystopian nightmare, where everything is locked behind a paywall and even your own voice has a price. Will it be a lawless land, abound with trolls and malware, looking to corrupt your VR and AR devices to their cores? I think it is important to think carefully about what YOU want out of VR over the next ten years and more specifically, what YOU think is best for the metaverse to thrive and succeed. This may be the most critical moment in the history of virtual reality as we know it. Answering these questions here and now for yourself, and deciding whether or not you wish to simply read about this history years from now or be a part of it is vital. If you have even a modicum of love for virtual reality technology you should consider your answers deeply and thoughtfully, because whether you're ready or not, the entirety of virtual reality as we know it, is going to radically change in the next decade. Will you watch it happen? Or BE a part of it?

Connect 2021 happened on October 28th, only a week ago. In the live stream, Mark Zuckerberg the CEO and founder of facebook announced to the world their ambitious plans to begin working towards an online virtual persistent world that coexists simultaneously within the realms of virtual reality, augmented reality, and reality itself. In it you can play your favorite games, socialize with your friends, lift some weights on a scenic Scandenavian mountain, go to work, experience things from all over the world and do almost anything your mind could possibly dream of doing in an augmented or virtual reality state. Being able to live your entire life through the lens of your chosen virtual or augmented reality devices. Play, live, laugh and love within this ecosystem that facebook is funding and developing. It will have it's own economy, rife with new innovative business start ups that could only exist in the metaverse, spawn a new breed of content creators, influencers, and revolutionize the way people work and earn money. So, what isn't to love about this seemingly new amazing world that is absolutely teeming with endless possibility? On paper, and objectively it seems incredible. In fact... it seems... almost like it's too good to be true... Doesn't it?

I mean, everything has a cost. That doesn't simply cease to exist because it now has manifested in a virtual world. Nothing is free, and in fact, the things that seem too good to be true, often times... are. I had a strange feeling when watching through Connect 2021. Objectively I could tell that they were doing everything right. As Mark and his team of associates at facebook walked and talked me through all of the wonderful ideas they had and concepts they had created for the Metaverse I was able to identify that they were saying the right words and talking the right way. They were smiling, laughing, and talking casually like they were just normal every day people. They were clearly excited about the product that they were imagining in their heads and their exuberance and passion for it showed on camera. They used positive words like "empowered" "exciting" and "new". And yet, despite realizing what they were doing was objectively the right way to handle it... I couldn't help but feel that deep down in the pit of my stomach just wasn't quite right. Something about this whole presentation was just not sitting well with me. For one the whole video began to feel more like a sales pitch or to ask people's permission for facebook to continue their work on the Metaverse but it was a bit more than that.
I had to end the transcript here, because it was too long lol

#meta #metaverse #facebook

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