Promote Profit Publish Podcast Episode 166

3 years ago

FINALLY! A Cyberthriller With A Strong Female Protagonist With Dr. Chase Cunningham

Women's intuition is a real thing. And it's crucial for a strong female protagonist to hone in a world of cyberthreat. Juliet Clark interviews Dr. Chase Cunningham, a cybersecurity expert and the noted creator of the Zero Trust Extended Framework, about his cyberthriller that puts women at the forefront. Also, Dr. Chase explains how dangerous AI can be if we don't know how to protect ourselves.

Do you know you're being tracked right now and at every moment? You carry a tracking device with you everywhere you go, and yes, it's your cellphone. Join in the conversation to understand the urgency of cybersecurity. And how thrilling Gabriel's story is as she defends herself from cyberthreat. Tune in!
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