Eucharist Pre-Constantine Era II

3 years ago

III. Sources Considered
New Testament (33-99)
Didache (100) Syria
Ignatius of Antioch (100)
Justin Martyr (150)
Irenaeus of Lyons (175)
Tertullian (200’s)

Origen (200)
Cyprian of Carthage (250)
Basil (350) opening quote

III New Testament, pride of place, both in chronological order in time and more importantly inspired by Holy Spirit with inerrancy Jn 6 & Paul in 1 Cor essential

Jn 6 Much to highlight, however limit ourselves to a few considerations with a view to the liturgy

- JC compares himself to manna NOT the lamb. Bread of Life discourse.
- Jews scandalized by carnal words of body, eat, flesh, chew
- John aware of paschal interpretation of JC death (Jn 1:29, 19:14, 19:36)

Synoptic Gospels rich comparison to paschal unblemished lamb.
Jn 3:16 great passage of hope
John 6 more profoundly touching. Lord willing at cost of enormous loss of followers. His flesh life for the world.

Manna, palatable for all humans to commune with Him.

1 Cor Paul handed on what he received
Gal 2:1-10; 1 Cor 9:1-6 Paul cooperated with other communities

Church of Rome, new Christian communities, imitate, apostles, Paul, Rome do

1 Cor 11:23-27
1 Lord’s supper is a sacrificial meal
2 Lord supper connected to Passover
3. Lord supper rooted in night He was betrayed

Communal bread breaking Acts 2:42, 20:7 and Luke 24
Hebrews 13:10 altar (note the retention of phrase ‘altar call’)
Rev 4:6-11 Resemblance to Eucharistic prayers

Seeds are there. Ex/ sees in may, recognize tomato will grow from it.

All necessary in Sacred scripture. Written to addressed problems in community so as not spread. Instructions given orally and personally. reason for missionary travels. Ritual in action seen. Corrections given after personal instruction.

Judaism ritual rich soil bed for liturgy.
Oral tradition hear party game. Not same in an oral tradition community depended on transmission.

Dependent on Witten, recorded, videos, hold information rather than brain.

Platonic Dialogues Socrates, Plato not inspired, ability to recount with almost perfect recall. Not unique to him. Brain must hold information and an occasional letter.

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