Fauci claims that the pandemic consists of five stages and we are still in the first stage.

3 years ago

1. Negative influence is where he thinks we are.

2. Slowing down
"It's an open question as to whether Omicron will become the live virus vaccine that everyone is hoping for, because you have so much variability with the emergence of new variants," he said.

3. Control
"Control means that it is present, but it is present at a level that does not destroy society," Fauci says.

4. Liquidation
The elimination of a pandemic occurs when the virus still exists in the world, but has already been eliminated in certain regions or countries. Fauci gives an example of polio eliminated in many countries of the Global North. Big Pharma scientists say the world is still far from achieving this with Covid-19.

5. Eradication
Fauci acknowledged that Covid will never be eradicated.
"That's not going to happen with this virus."

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