BCF 305: Building Wealth, One House at a Time with John Schaub

2 years ago

When it comes to building cash flow and wealth, real estate is the best way – although I may be a little biased. We often talk about massive multifamily deals and complex deal structures, but a lot of people out there are looking for something more accessible.

John Schaub knows single-family extremely well. He’s an investor, coach, and author with over five decades of experience and knowledge. The fundamentals behind what makes things work haven’t changed much since he first got started and has prospered through seven different recession periods throughout his lifetime. John’s best-selling book, “Building Wealth One House at a Time”, has helped over 100,000 people find success in real estate.

As someone who’s owned both multifamily and single-family assets, there is definitely a difference in the tenants. People who rent in single-family homes tend to nest there and really make it their own, which translates into them staying tenants for longer than apartment renters. Using creative financing deals can provide a great deal for your buyer and make you good money. Every house you buy is a seminar and you’ll learn valuable lessons from applying what you learn and taking risks.

A house is the simplest, safest thing you’ll buy, even in today’s market where buying can be really competitive. John looks for situations where there is no competition and buys without any assistance from banks. Looking for lenders and sellers who don’t want to wait can be huge opportunities.

What’s Inside:

—How John’s experience led him to massive success in single-family real estate.
—Why focusing on one real estate market can be more lucrative than trying to manage several.
—How John does deals without lending from banks and separates himself from the competition.
—Why having long term tenants in single-family homes can help you weather a recession.

Mentioned In This Episode:

—Bulletproofcashflow.com: https://bulletproofcashflow.com/
—JohnSchaub.com: https://www.johnschaub.com/
—RDYNE.com: http://RDYNE.com

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