Dr Kerry Chant - Vaccinated are Dying, Call for Boosters?

3 years ago

Jan 18th, 2022 Press Conference - Australia: NSW Chief Health Officer Dr. Kerry Chant

Vaccinated people are dying, and you tell people to go out and get another vaccine?

You've taken the Kool-aid lady.

News.com.au: https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/dr-kerry-chant-warns-nsws-covid-death-toll-will-continue-rising-as-state-sees-recordbreaking-surge/news-story/fe32e81b28bafe56b8deb3efbaba451c

Archive Snap Shot for Court Documents:

If the vast majority of people with Covid had had 2 doses of the vaccine, and 4 people had 3 doses, and they died as well, surely serious questions must be asked - not simply about the efficacy of the vaccine, but their safety!

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