Hard Yoga Positions Workout With Leyla Mult

3 years ago

Yoga Expert : Letla Mult
Twitter Account : https://mobile.twitter.com/lelya_mult?lang=en

came to the practice of Hatha Yoga eight years ago when I quit smoking.

For eighteen years I had smoked heavily, and at the age of 35 I decided that I would really like to be able to breathe. I felt tired and old and knew that if I didn’t do something soon, I would be facing a life of pain and disease. As the nicotine began leaving my body, I felt agitated, anxious, nervous, and all-around uncomfortable.

I knew I needed to move, but since I had no lung capacity, jogging and step aerobics were out of the question.

Then I remembered a yoga class I had taken years earlier in college, and thought that perhaps hatha yoga could help me transition. I went out and bought an inexpensive video and thus began the journey of a lifetime. I now teach others how to use the techniques of Yoga to release old habits and bring energy to tired bodies.

Getting “The Feeling”
The thing that kept me coming back to Hatha Yoga during my eight years of on-again-off-again practice was “the feeling.” I felt something when I practiced, and I didn’t feel it when I didn’t. But what was I feeling? It felt like a summer breeze. It felt like getting out of the shower after having been in the sun all day. It felt like enthusiasm. It felt like love. It felt like life. And the feeling would appear when least expected it: in the checkout line at the grocery store, in my car, at work, hours after practice. My whole body would feel open and spacious when I practiced, and it would feel stuck and clogged when I didn’t. I stumbled on this feeling by accident and didn’t really understand it or know how to control it. It wasn’t until I discovered Ananda Yoga® that I began to get a feel for “the feeling.”

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