Twitter Permanently Bans Scientist Who Helped Invent mRNA Vaccines

3 years ago

Twitter permanently bans scientist Dr. Robert Malone who helped invent mRNA vaccines. This is the same technology used in the COVID-19 vaccine. YouTube and Twitter also delete the Joe Rogan interview with Dr. Robert Malone. The podcast panel has all the details and reaction.

#DrRobertMalone #Censorship #mRNA #Ban #mRNAVaccines #YouTube #Twitter #YouTubeCensorship #TwitterCensorship #TwitterBan #Covid19 #Covid19Vaccine #Covid #Vaccines #VaccineTechnology #MaloneTwitterSuspended #DrMalone #DrMaloneTwitterSuspended #RobertMalone #RobertMaloneBanned #RobertMalonePfizer #RobertMaloneCanceled #TFSF #TheFreeSpeechForum #Podcast

0:00 Intro
0:53 Dr. Malone Video
4:13 Discussion & Closing

- During the now deleted Joe Rogan podcast, Malone drew parallels between the US and Nazi Germany with 'mass formation psychosis' and intelligent people 'barking mad'
- Malone even questioned the effectiveness of Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine in a tweet posted the day before his account was suspended on December 30
Yet despite creating the technology, Malone said he still speaks out about getting jabbed simply 'because it's the right thing to do'
- He told Rogan that government-imposed vaccine mandates are destroying the medical field 'for financial incentives (and) political a**-covering'

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