Bayonet vol. 3

2 years ago

Stratovarius-Black diamond (Finland)
Bruce Dickinson-Silver Wings (UK)
Acid-Lost in Hell (Belgium)
Huntress-Sorrow (US)
Bitch-Devil made you do it (US)
Anthem-Road to nowhere (Japan)
Bodine-Shout (Netherlands)
Girish and the Chronicles-Rock'n Roll is here to stay (India)
Leather-Shock Waves (US)
Exodus-Fabulous Disaster (US)
Overkill-Deny the cross (US)
Leather Angel-Heart Shaker (US)
Van Halen-Girl gone bad (Netherlands/US)
Van Halen-Pleasure Dome
Van Halen-Outta Love
Van Halen-On Fire
Van Halen-Dirty Movies
Van Halen-Romeo delight
Love Bites-Holy War (Japan)
Unleash the Archers-the Matriarch (Canada)
Xandria-Voyage of the Fallen (Germany)
Flotsam and Jetsam-Seventh Seal (US)
Racer-X-King of the monsters (US)
Mary's Blood-Bite the bullet (Japan)

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