
2 years ago

What is wisdom, I speak about. Mark 10:15, share and become wise like a child ready to learn. I speak of the funny money we use. I explain silver versus paper money. I explain what value is, that brings power under GOD as IN GOD WE TRUST! I hope for repentance, like unto Nineveh. I want to be like Billy Graham getting people saved. The tree of knowledge is the tree of death like the Tower of Babel. The pathway to hell, if you are holding hatred, pride, and hold prejudice against other people who are not a mirror of yourself. Being the “Mother of the Bride”, I will be bringing souls to GOD our Creator in Jesus HIS name. I speak of the new Kingdom yet to come. Ask GOD what HE wants. If you are HIS child you will listen. Listen in meditation with GOD. It’s time to repent, and Jonah was called to preach judgment and explain how I am like Jonah. Nineveh repented, and I hope to be the “Mother of the Bride” of Jesus, bringing in as many souls I can into GOD HIS Kingdom. Religion can’t save you, same as a relationship with GOD, believing in Jesus. I feel like Elijah out on my own, and King David who had to come out in defense and take over. I speak about debt and the slavery that comes with it. I told about losing my job and why and what I shared that got me fired. Debt is slavery as in Egypt. America is for freedom, to have farms, ranches, and lots of children. I explain what is going to happen to save ourselves and our children. Ruler ship by tyranny we must fight to keep our freedom. Mask and shot is an inner take-over of the USA. I go to how to obey and honor GOD. I speak on the suicide and why to pray for them. Then the 666 Mark of the Beast connected to a shot is to become a slave to your country. Say “no!” to this. Refer to study of the Bible. I start Revelations of the Bible.

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