Financial Perks for Docs | Hospitals to Give You a False Covid Diagnosis

3 years ago

Unless you're 100% certain your doctor/hospitals protocol uses one of the following for your main treatment:

One of the above along with:
Zinc 75 mg
Vitamin C 500 mg or more (for serious cases intravenously)
Vitamin D3 1,000


Stay healthy, eat nutricious food, get plenty of rest, drink lots of purified water with lemons.

HERE is the homemade remedy for Hydroxycloriquine by Dr Christaine Northrup.

If you want the full recipe, REACH OUT TO ME (Leslie) in the comment section below. It's important to start taking this as soon as you start feeling sick or a cold coming on; it will be gone in 24ish hours. Warn everyone you love to stay clear of the hospitals.

Corrupt Hospitals have a high mortality rate, your family is kept in the dark as to what's truly happening with your care and you're put on a huge concoction of drugs all in which will definitely kill you, as they get paid for every phase of your treatment.

They receive money and bonuses to kill you.

They are paid through the CARES ACT providing hospitals with a bonus payment when they diagnose you with Covid (even if you don't have COVID)!!

The Center for Medicare / Medicaid Services is waiving patients RIGHTS!!
Hospital/Docs Get PAID for each of the following:
~Paid when they give you a FREE Covid Test in the Emergency Room
~Paid when they give you a diagnosis of Covid (even if you don't have COVID)!!
~Paid when they admit you with Covid (even if you don't have COVID)!!
~Paid to put you on Remdesivir - it shuts down your organs and your lungs fill up with your body fluids (they call it "COVID pneumonia") LIES!!
~Paid to put you on a ventilator that will kill you. They control the rate of your death based on how long they can get away with keeping you in the hospital.
~Paid 20% bonus if your Death Certificate says Covid even if you did not have nor die of Covid!
~Paid, another bonus goes to Coroners for not argue or alter the above paperwork to read something different.

The Biden Administration is literally paying hospitals to kill you! The hospitals are getting about $100K per "COVID" patient!!!

I know countless people that knew this would happen if they went to the hospital, they thought knowing and telling them NOT to put them on this protocol would save them. Even though they told them "DO NOT Put Me On Remdisivir", the hospital did it anyway and no one and advocate for you. No one is allowed inside to watch over you!

All those people died!

NEVER would we have believed that in America or anywhere, that this could be the new norm!

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God prevails!


Covid Lies, Corrupt Hospitals, Hospital Bans Visits, Hospitals Murdering Covid Patients, Doctors Murdering Covid Patients,

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