Why Would a Loving God Send People To Hell?

3 years ago

I'm a good person, and I love God, so why would I go to Hell? Besides, if God is really a good and loving God, why would He even create a place called Hell? Maybe Hell is just a part of purgatory for really bad people like murderers or rapists until they've paid off their debt for their sin. Join ArieRashelle as she answers all of these questions and more in our video, Why Would a Loving God Send People To Hell?

Verses Used:
1 John 4:8
Romans 5:8
Matthew 5:21-22
Mark 9:47-48
Matthew 18:34-35
Matthew 7:13-14
2 Thessalonians 1:9
Matthew 8:11-12
Matthew 25:41
Deuteronomy 30:19-20
John 15:1-6
John 14:15
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Revelation 21:8
Romans 10:9
Acts 3:19
1 Corinthians 6:11
Colossians 2:13-14

Our Website: https://www.holdtohope.org/theology/nfwh/why-would-a-loving-god-send-people-to-hell/

More verses on love:
Jeremiah 29:11-13
Jeremiah 31:3
John 3:16
Psalms 86:15

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