Why Have Over 400 Healthy Athletes Collapsed & Died Mid-Game In The Last 6 Months?

3 years ago

In just the last six months, 400 have not only plummeted to the ground, but many died and some maimed for life.

While governments all over the world debate COVID-19 and what is the best way to defeat the virus that kills .02% of those who might contract it, and less than that if you take the appropriate treatment, it's gone the same day! Yet our governments are keeping them from us.

Hospitals who are also killing people at record speed. Hospitals make about 100K per person they claim has covid, even when they don't with every phase they put the patients through, including death.

They kill them slowly using a whole host of drugs (one is Remdisivir) that shuts down your organs and fills your lungs with your own body fluids, that they call "covid pnemonia" which is a complete lie!

Once they slap a ventialtor on you, your life will end. Yet they determine how long you live, as they collect more profits every day they treat you; depending on how much flack or push back they receive from your family members / advocates. They use the excuse of covid to keep your family away from the hospitals. A huge money racket. Locate in advance, hospitals who use life saving drugs: Ivermectin, Hydroxychloriquine, or Budesodine, along with Zinc and a few vitamins. Completly cured overnight or sooner!

The terrifying trend is taking place in the sports world that no news appear to be covering!

The same governments that claim to institute mandates and deadly protocols in the name of public health have yet to acknowledge that athletes worldwide are collapsing on the fields and courts like never before!

These athletes were perfectly healthy yet mysteriously dropping to their death mid-game.

The number is rocketing beyond 400, and still, some are hospitalized with seizures and neurological issues. With little to no information coming out of the sports world about it!

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Notable Sports Figures Who Recently Died, Sports Pros Die During Game, Notable Sports Figures Who Died 2021, Sports Pros Dying, Sports Players Fall Dead,

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