Commentary on The book of Joel. Part 1.

3 years ago

Truth In Scripture Pastor Rick Kabrick Sunday, January 15, 2022Commentary on The book of Joel. Part 1.
Truth In ScripturePastor Rick KabrickSunday, January 15, 2022Commentary on The book of Joel.Part 1.
Joel is among the earliest of all the prophets. The book was written somewhere around 830-800 BC. Joel is a contemporary of Obadiah (debate) Elijah was around, Homer for those who are into ancient literature was around.
Memory of that horrible incident was fresh in the minds of the people. The prophets were preachers and they were discussing problems of their day while warning people and telling them of the LORD.
The background for Joel’s prophecy is the national disaster to Israel — the locust plague which caused an economic depression.

GOD warns every nation through a national disaster or disasters. HE never removes a nation from its place in history without adequate warning.In Joel’s day the national catastrophe was economic depression but, in a generation, it would be Assyrian invasion.
MIC 6:16 “The statutes of Omri And all the works of the house of Ahab are observed; And in their devices you walk. Therefore I (GOD) will give you up for destruction And your inhabitants for derision, And you will bear the reproach of My people.”
She killed children, grandchildren and relatives. But, someone from her family (another sister) hid one of Ahaziah’s children named Joash and hid him in Solomon’s Temple the right time. There was a man named Jehoiada was a godly man and the head priest in the temple. His name means GOD knows. It was a relative.
He took the young king to the temple and declared him king before the people. Athaliah heard the commotion and tried to figure out what was going on. When she went down to observe what was happening, she was killed. And they say the Bible is boring.
The locust is covered with a special kind of skin which is referred to as the cuticle. It has three different layers. The layer nearest the inside of the body is soft and flexible; then comes a harder layer and on the outside is a thin layer of wax.
This is an illustration of what GOD will do with us. As believers who drift away, replace HIM with other things, whatever it is, GOD will send something to destroy those things. Hopefully we don’t let it get that far. But sadly many do.
People will give up their sins; they will do it with the help of the HS voluntarily, that is by their own decision. Or by force, but they will give them up; it’s not a question of if, but when. Even to the point of the sin unto death to save them from themselves.
6 For a nation (go ee = a nation of people or a swarm or pack of animals) has invaded my land, Mighty and without number; Its teeth are the teeth of a lion, And it has the fangs of a lioness.
The locusts chewed everything that was worth anything off the branches. Perhaps an appropriate illustration of sin chewing away at a person’s spiritual life, until there is nothing recognizable.
Cry like a girl who never had a child with her husband, whose husband is now dead. In other words, Israel you've lost something very important. Because of your relentless sin and your lack of repentance you have bad where there could have been good, and it's too late to get back those lost blessings.
Joel tells Judah that they should look at their condition and mourn, with all the emotion and passion of a young widow. Joel shows how the whole nation mourns this great destruction brought by locusts.
Even if they had wanted to offer GOD a sacrifice there was nothing to offer; they were destitute because of their sin.
People not only make excuse for their own sin, but they make excuses for others sin. Until people take personal responsibility for their sin they will not repent and if they don’t repent, they remain unbelievers and are destined to hell.
The priests mourn, because with the destruction of the fields and vineyards the people cannot bring their grain and wine offerings. The ground mourns, because it cannot fulfil its natural purpose of producing grain, wine and olives for oil. And the farmers mourn, because their crops have been ruined.
Locusts not only devour the leaves and fruits of trees, but they destroy trees, especially younger trees. They are eating machines, they eat and leave waste, toxic to trees and roots.
Sinners have no one to blame for their misery but themselves. When people indulge in sin, sin destroys them; that is what GOD’s people are learning here in the book of Joel.
There is no running from GOD unless one runs to GOD. In other words, the only way to avoid HIS wrath is to run to HIM, repent, and get back into HIS plan.

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