Millions Protest Vaxx Mandates Across Europe!!, 3766

2 years ago

Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coming New World Order which is really just an age-old scheme for global tyranny.

I’ve been writing about this New World Order thing since 1990 with the publication of my first book; New World Order: the Ancient Plan of Secret Societies.

It was a best-seller in the Christian market. It sold over 250,000 copies. Now, 32 years later, New World Order tyranny is happening right now, right in front of our faces and around the world. What is this New World Order thing? It’s a group of globalist authoritarians who want to rule the world. How are they going to do that? By abolishing of national sovereignty where individual freedom can flourish to the maximum possible extent and replace it with a centralized totalitarian world government. In the final book of the Bible, it’s called the reign of the antichrist that precedes the return of Christ.

Beth and I don’t think that time for the ascension of the antichrist is now. We do think that this is their latest attempt, however, using COVID as their excuse to take away humanity’s hard-won, multi-century battle to escape feudalism. However, the globalists are getting closer to closing the loop which would make societal escape impossible from an iron-clad world dictatorship possible.

Think of it; they just used an engineered bio-weapon – COVID-19 - that, in the end, was no more than a bad case of the flu, to stampede all of civilization backwards at least 300 years in the human freedom quest.

And the only thing that saved us was the natural 3rd or 4th wave of any virus – the omicron COVID variant. No, the big pharma vaxxes didn’t save us. It was the resilient human immune system that eventually conquered the virus, despite – yes, that’s despite, not as a result of – but despite human-made leaky vaccines that frequently didn’t work and probably damaged the natural immunity of most who were coerced into taking them.

But regardless of the ultimate triumph of the human immune system on this occasion, those behind this “Dr. No” sort of plot were no doubt flabbergasted at how successful they were at stampeding the world media into supporting the stripping away of centuries of hard-won democratic freedoms in their nations for a bad case of the Spanish flu.

This graph of plunging COVID cases proves that this is over, but still the vaxx pushers continue to persist around the world, and freedom-loving peoples are going to have to learn how to push it back into it rightful place of servant to humanity, instead of lord over all.

Hopefully humanity’s innate love of freedom will develop its own immune system – a natural political immune system - one that rebels against dictatorship, and finds ways to peacefully turn it back. For example, here is one way that the disarmed Australians decided to deal with it.


Remember, the Aussies made the fatal mistake of giving up their guns in 1996. Now, a person must have a firearm license to possess or use a firearm. License holders must demonstrate a “genuine reason” for holding a license, which does not include self-defense.

The Europeans are in mass protest mode opposing the vaxx mandate by turning out millions of protesters in their streets. This protest movement has seen scant coverage in the mostly-controlled U.S. media.


We sincerely think this is just about over, and medical history will take a very dim view of the activities of the Chinese communist virologists in league with big pharma, and Dr. Grouchy et al who created, then amplified, exaggerated, perpetuated and profited from it.

I’m still reporting from the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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