School Segregation and Denial of Education Unvaxxed

3 years ago

School Segregation and Denial of Education Unvaxxed

lexitmovement's profile picture
This is outrageous!! Unvax students at New West Charter LA segregated behind barriers & not allowed to attend class.

They asked for chairs, were denied & are sitting on the pavement, not allowed to even use restroom. LAPD is on site but not intervening. Follow our backup page @lexitmovement1

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honestly... you guys - the unvaxxed students are gonna be in hella better health than all those others! mark my word! I am detoxing from vaxxines -
old ones I got in the 70's.. my kids are detoxing from theirs. there is so much crap in vaxxines. Hold fast! Don't back down!!!! These vaxes gave us diseases -
my whole life now revolves around getting us healed.
My husband is detoxing the polio vaxxine.
When he got the polio vaxxine, as a child, it put him in the hospital. They didn't know if he'd ever walk without assistance for the rest of his life bc they said the virus got into his legs.
My friends dad actually contracted polio from changing his daughter's diaper- she had just had the vaxxine and he contracted the disease.

He ended up winning $22.3 million from that settlement. His name was Tenuto.
Ppl have won millions and millions in lawsuits against big phama all over the world for vaxxines

That's right - you heard me right.
They keep upping and upping the vaxxines schedules for kids and now tons of children are sick as hell with autism and tons of other conditions. And do not sh*t on my post or I will block you like lightening.
This sh*t actually happened to me and people I know. People are waking up to this.
I was totally pro-vax before what happened to my family. I honestly thought those who were against vaxxines were so stupid..
Be smart and don't be bullied into doing something to your body. And it's your body if your pregnant and want an abortion, right?
But it's not your body if someone wants to jab you with viruses, heavy metals and other toxins??
Please look up ingredients of different vaxxines.
Autism is actually a side effect listed on some labels for some vaxes, for instance..
There are tons of awful toxins they inject directly into the bloodstream. It goes past the skin's protective layer and straight into your blood.

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