"Water Wizard" The Nikola Tesla of water and his secret source of inspiration 432Health.com

3 years ago

Viktor Schauberger was to water what Nicoli Tesla was to electricity. He was a recognized genius known as the "water wizard". But what was the well spring and source of genius ? This is what he had to say about subject.

Who is Viktor Schauberger?

Viktor Schauberger was born on June 30, 1885, in Holzschlag, Austria. Although he was not able to get proper academic tuition, he had an extraordinary knowledge and understanding of biology, chemistry, and physics. His curious nature and intellectual sharpness allowed him to observe things that were often overlooked by others. That is exactly how he managed to capture and explain water’s natural, live-giving structure, which is secured by vortexing motion in which water flows in nature.
Source:Living Energies: An Exposition of Concepts Related to the Theories of Viktor Schauberger

Water in Viktor Schauberger’s Eyes

Viktor Schauberger characterizes water as a natural, living organism, “Blood of Mother Earth,” which exists and functions according to the laws of Mother Nature. All the unique properties that make water what it is – a foundation of life – depend on water’s natural, self-organized, geometrical molecular equilibrium. In order for water to be of the best quality, it needs to exist in accordance with natural laws.

Therefore, when we use water, we need to consider the way it exists in nature, consider those laws when collecting, storing, and using water in order to keep it “alive”.

What is Schauberger’s explanation for creating vortexes in water?
Exactly what natural laws was Viktor Schauberger talking about? – answering this question is the best explanation behind the vortex technology that stands behind The Vortex Water Revitalizers.

In natural waterways such as rivers and streams, water flows in vortex-like motions, never settling, never stopping, but staying fateful to this pattern. This ever-transforming flow allows water to keep its molecular structure, which is more than just a chemical formula – H20.

Free Download of his book 'Living Water' here: https://432health.com/shop/ols/products/free-pdf-book-living-water-by-viktor-schauberger-the-water-wizard

Buy Magnetic Water Vortex Restructuring Generators here: https://432health.com/shop/ols/products/magnetic-water-vortex-restructuring-ionising-generator

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