Vegan Lion? Would a lion eat vegetables? Find out here

2 years ago

There are a lot of behaviors exhibited by wild animals that I don’t recommend for humans. Raping females, eating one’s own babies, killing for territory, stealing others’ resources, etc. Wild animals don’t have nearly the amount of choices we do, nor do they (to our knowledge) possess the ability to weigh the morality of these choices. Fortunately, most humans have sufficient food choices that enable us to eat and live without killing others. And we have the ability to analyze the impacts of our actions, and decide whether or not that makes those actions moral. So no, I wouldn’t lecture a tiger or a lion (who are carnivores, not omnivores like us, btw) about killing for survival, just as I don’t lecture children in 3rd world countries who may also need to kill for survival. I will, however, ask people who aren’t in life-or-death or impoverished situations to reconsider the repercussions of their food choices.

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