Luke Johnson, Keeping it Real on BBC Question Time, 14 May, 2020

3 years ago

Luke Johnson hitting the nail on the head, already in May of 2020.

He pointed to the huge risk differential between young, lean, healthy people on the hand and old, obese, unhealthy people on the other. A similar differential is seen with the seasonal flu. If there is such a huge differential, the way to go forward is not to terrorize a whole population with draconian measures. Instead it is to do exactly as The Great Barrington declaration ― written by eminent scientists from Harvard, Yale and Oxford ― recommends: voluntary focused protection for the high risk group while the low risk group freely continue with their life and build natural herd immunity.

It is true that we didn't know if the disease could turn out to have bad consequences many years later, in spite of being mild initially. It is also true that a tiny percentage of young, lean, healthy people can get long COVID. However, it is not the job and not the mandate of the government to force the low risk population into draconian measures against their will. If the low risk group are worried about long COVID, they can decide FOR THEMSELVES which measures THEY want to take.

NB: One of the best measures against severe COVID, long COVID, unforeseen effects and transmission, is to treat disease as early as possible with intensive combination therapy. Ironically, this is exactly what most governments not only discourages, but even actively suppressed. They preferred to let the COVID fire get out of control first before starting to extinguish it.

In May 2020, only 350 people in Great-Britain below the age of 60 who had no comorbidities, had died due to COVID. To place this in perspective: 400 people per year die of drowning. Every death is tragic, but the measures of mass destruction that the government has forced onto the population, cause significantly more deaths than doing (almost) nothing.

NB: This has been known from the very start. In The Netherlands, a FOIA request has revealed that a government statistics group had already calculated in March of 2020 that lockdowns cause significantly more harm in terms of QALY's (Quality Adjusted Life Years) than they prevent. The government chose to ignore this report.

How many deaths and disease are there from all the stress and unemployment caused by the draconian measures? How many deaths are there from the 24/7/365 government and media fear porn? How many from deaths are there from restrictions in health care, e.g. to cancer and heart disease patients? There is a hyper focus on one disease and all collateral damage is structurally being ignored.

In his press conference, Boris Johnson repeated the line, "We've avoided half a million deaths." The models upon which these calculations are based are total bullshit. If the actual deaths turn out to be significantly less than the predicted deaths, the proponents of measures say that differential is because of the measures, not because the models were off by a factor of 10. The deaths would have been according to the model's predictions if (almost) nothing had been done. This is called the Prevention Paradox.

However, control countries like Sweden with similar demography and EFFECTIVE population density as most European countries, prove how ludicrous the models' predications are. They have almost no relation to reality and have been made by fiction writers in the horror genre. This is nothing new either. Each one of the previous Neil Ferguson models have exceeded reality by 1000%.

True, Sweden did take some measures, but significantly less than most other countries. They had some deaths initially, but are performing extremely well by themselves and compared to other countries in on of the most important indicators of success: cumulative all cause excess mortality.

Note: I almost couldn't believe that this interview had been broadcast in May of 2020, but the upload date on YouTube is May 18th, 2020.

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