The Institutional Capture is Real Endocrinologists and Puberty Blockers 2009 vs 2019

3 years ago

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2009 statement:,Apr%3B123%20%284%29%3Ae752-62.%20doi%3A%2010.1542%2Fpeds.2008-1783.%20Epub%202009%20Mar%2030
2019 update:

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRHa), also known as puberty blockers, are used medically for a wide variety of purposes. First developed to suppress the sex hormones that can aggravate prostate cancer cells, puberty blockers work on the brain by suppressing the brain's production of hormones that then mature and regulate the function of many systems including the gonads. This hormone is critically important for the regulation, development, and function of many areas independent of its role in the downstream production of sex hormones. The use of GnRHa hormones to suppress puberty is akin to dumping the toxic waste from the factory upriver. A castrato has a branch cut off his developmental tree whereas a puberty suppressed kid has most of his developmental trunk severed, in other words. Many branches fall but you may only notice the loss of the puberty branch at first. In this article, a consortium of pediatric endocrinologists update their position statement on the use of these drugs in children to add pro-trans propaganda and a disclosure of the fact that the drugs predictably induce a measureable loss of bone density in individuals in their 20s - all in the name of some fantastic pursuit of "diagnostic gender clarification."

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