Child Protection Support Group Week 6 Info session

2 years ago

Now more than ever before the criminal corporations posing as 'the authorities' here in The Sovereign First Nations are a real and present danger to ALL of our children.

The pedophiles in parliament and the even bigger criminals of the Big Pharmaceutical Mafia, and The Criminal Banking Cartel, and the mainstream media monopoly, and all the FAKE celebrities and SOLD OUT compromised experts; The people in positions of trust and influence that should/ could be giving people honest information to empower people to make good decisions. Are instead, carrying on the 233 years of genocide here in The Sovereign First Nations.

The system that people have been tricked and trapped and trained into accepting as 'business as usual', 'just the way it is', 'for our own benefit', is in truth a system of human enslavement. Operating a child and human trafficking business, as well as debt, mind and soul slavery.

Enough is enough! NowIsTheTime for real positive change

If We the Free People of soulful substance do not wake up, wise up and start talking truth, REAL CHILD PROTECTION, lawful remedy and solution, humanity will be a complete write off.

The vaccinated now categorised as trans-human - link to true news update

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