We're Not Sure He Is Going To Make It

2 years ago

We found a ram lamb in the snow abandoned by his mother. We are not sure why she did that. We immediately brought him inside to warm him up and give him some colostrum. The next day he was doing better, but within a few hours, he was not standing. We are worried he won't make it. We are feeding him every two hours trying to save him.

A huge thank you to Michelle @Perma Pastures Farm for helping us! You are a blessing.

#katahdinlamb #ramlamb #lamb #homesteading

saving a lamb, lamb abandoned, lamb rescue, Katahdin lamb, Katahdin lamb rescue, hair sheep, snowstorm, snow, Appalachia, Appalachian Mountains, Appalachian homestead, wnc, western north Carolina, storm, homesteading, homestead life, hair sheep, hair sheep lamb, life and death on a homestead, livestock, homestead sheep, hair sheep lamb

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