HOW TO VOTE THE Australian Government OUT - Two Party UN-preferred

3 years ago

Australia's voting system is RIGGED before it start.. MAYBE LEARN the rules before you play their stupid game and keep winning stupid prizes.
2. Put Greens - Liberal - Labour as your last three preferences.
3. This is how we change the system and do a GREAT RESET of our own
There WILL be a a New World.. but NOT the one they ordered !!
SIMPLE !!! The only ones that prefer the two party system are the ones that havent had to give up their power for generations in this Australian Crime Syndicate ...
Lets hope the minor parties dont let us down and all that HOT AIR they are talking at the fun and face painting and bands and food truck " Protest" picnic bbqs - doesnt blow up in the faces of those protestors who only went out one sunday a month to protest to NO-ONE in the city that matters NOR really interrupt ANYTHING with their little support network..

Putting your faith in the voting system again is what got us in this trouble in the first place..
Many protest and SMILE and wave a flag.. you are doing nothing !!!
the government is NOT scared of FAKE protests and fake "revolution" leaders.. controlled opposition.

there are not enough speakers really telling everyone what they can go out and do as a mass force..
LIKE MASS nation wide week long protests outside EVERY Tell-Lie-Vision broadcasting studio & corporate office.
YOU have the power to hold the media accountable now..
have you seen what's going on in Kazakhstan ??

FULL revolution and the Military are losing !! ( and it's NOT about high fuel prices )

Word on the street the Nuclear Ballistic Missile that hit TONGA was from N. Korea. 2 Videos to back that up below..
Get ready folks.. if you live on the coast I hope you have friends INLAND and up high..

***** PLANDEMIC Video Playlist ***************

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ROBBO DA YOBBO - Aussie Conspiracy Comedian

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