Importance of Thyroid

3 years ago

When it comes to your health, think outside the box! Don’t run with the herd, run away from the herd and let the herd follow you! No one is in charge of your health except for you. You must be energetic in order to be enthusiastic, and the number one hormone in your body that produces energy is Thyroid! Thyroid governs every cell in your body. A diagnosis of hypothyroidism doesn’t come from a blood test! Over 95% of us will have “normal” levels of thyroid according to standard blood tests because the “normal” range is VERY hard to fall out of. Most doctors will treat symptoms of Hypothyroidism with prescription drugs for depression, joint pain, sleep aids, etc. Symptoms of Hypothyroidism are fatigue, mood swings, depression, lack of focus, overweight, low body temperature, muscle aches and pains, abnormal bowel function, abnormal menstrual cycle and many others.

Join Dr. Hotze today as he discusses how many Americans suffer from the #1 most commonly undiagnosed condition. The inactive thyroid hormone – called T4- must be converted into the active hormone – called T3 – for our cells to produce energy. Low energy is the first sign of inadequate production of active thyroid. Make sure to use natural thyroid, not synthetic thyroid, which is prescribed by most doctors. Find out about the common symptoms of Hypothyroidism and how to get back to your happy, healthy self again!

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