Nurse Janet: Say NO to vaccine mandates, say YES to bodily autonomy

3 years ago

Hi, my name is Janet. I've been a qualified nurse for 37 years and thought probably I would die in work. I never actually considered retiring. I work with nurses of 75 plus. But now it's not an option on the table, because after April unless I've had the vaccination, the jab, then I won't be in a job anymore and I've had to think about that long and hard and cried a few tears.

Behind me you see empty walls, because I've sold my house, because after April, I won't be a nurse anymore. I'm just coming up to retirement age, so really, if I lose my job, it's no biggy. But I've also lost my home, I've also lost the years that I put nursing before my family of being a mother, a grandmother and a wife.

All because I've been told that I have to sign up for a clinical trial. Very strange isn't it, that if I'd have gone into work and said, "I'm going to take part in a clinical trial", everybody would've told me I'm completely bonkers and how dangerous it was. But now we've been told to.

So I'm standing with the NHS, I'm standing for the staff who have decided not to do what they've been told, because at the end of the day, working in the NHS we've been telling them what's wrong for years and they've never listened to any of us, because our opinion didn't matter and we've now reached the point that their opinion doesn't matter either.

So for all those people in the NHS, I support you. I'm a nurse and I support you. I support your decision for bodily autonomy. I support your decision to do what you think is right. I support your decision to follow your conscience, because when you're told to do something that you know is morally and ethically wrong, then you have to take a stand. Sometimes we can't do it in work, because we're there to protect people and not make their decisions for them. To allow them to make their decisions, even if they're not the right decisions, because that's who we are. Thank you.


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