Israeli vaxx chief: Green Pass useless at preventing transmission, used to 'encourage' vaccination

3 years ago

Professor Cyrille Cohen, head of Immunology at Bar Ilan University and a member of the advisory committee for vaccines for the Israeli Government:

"The Green Pass is not necessarily, and that's not a secret, it's not necessarily to prevent transmission, it's also to encourage people to get vaccinated. I don't wanna touch upon the political aspects of the Green Pass, but this is a reality."

Let's not mince words shall we? The Green Pass (or Discrimination Pass) and other medically unjustified policies are not to 'encourage' people to get vaxxed, but to COERCE, BULLY or FORCE them to get vaxxed.

"Right now, you get to a point where whoever wanted to get vaccinated, got vaccinated. I don't think that there is a point, right now, in maintaining a Green Pass, especially in the omicron era."

Upon Freddie Sayer's question about countries such as Italy who are doubling down on medically ineffective Green Passes, where children can't even do everyday things if they're not vaxxed, prof. Cohen responds:

"You know, it's a free world. We are all experimenting to some extent what's the best strategy to go with or to follow in these times― You know, you can alsot alk about China that has a Zero COVID policy. I don't know where it will leave them, but I think that the vaccines we have right now, cannot indefinitely prevent transmission. Perhaps shortly, but not indefinitely. If your goal is to prevent transmission, a Green Pass is not the best way to do it."

It's clear that, in spite of what prof. Cohen says, this is NOT "a free world" if governments and employers are forcing people to take an experimental injection. If and only if the people were completely free to do as they thought best for their health, could you speak of "a free world".

I agree that we are all experimenting in one way or another, but that it's absolutely unacceptable if governments force policies of mass destruction on the population that are GUARANTEED to fail. This is even more true if there are also harmless alternative policies that are almost guaranteed to be highly effective, which are structurally ignored and suppressed. Examples of this are vitamin D and early treatment.

If vaccines don't prevent transmission and don't significantly provide a net proven benefit in hospitalization due to ALL causes, there's absolutely no justification for what Italy is doing.

Those who talk about Zero COVID (the DISEASE) often mean Zero SARS-CoV-2 ('Zero corona', the VIRUS). If there even is a SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID as proven by Koch's Postulates, it is impossible to eradicate it, since it mutates very fast and has an animal reservoir.

NB: It may be true that some historical pathogens have been eradicated, some even with vaccines, but these were ALL pathogens that couldn't mutate at all or mutate very slowly, and also didn't have an animal reservoir.

Zero corona has as little success potential as stopping the earth from turning or the wind from blowing. Torturing the population with a policy that is guaranteed to fail, such as China is doing, is not acceptable "experimenting" in my book.

Whereas Zero corona (no virus) is impossible, Zero COVID (no serious disease) is absolutely possible with effective and harmless prevention and treatment strategies.

This segment has been taken from the following 31 minute UnHerd interview: 'Israeli vaccine chief: "We have made mistakes"'

I recommend this interview, even though I disagree in detail with many things prof. Cohen says.

For instance, he says that they were disappointed that the COVID vaccines didn't prevent transmission. As dr. Sucharit Bhakdi explains in the following video, the immune system of the airways and gut is almost completely separate from the immune system of the blood and tissues. If you want to have a chance at preventing transmission of a respiratory infection with a vaccine, you MUST use a NASAL vaccine, not an INJECTED vaccine. Said differently, it could have been guaranteed that injected vaccines don't prevent transmission.

Prof. Cohen also says that there's a difficult trade-off between the harms of the interventions and the harms of the disease. This trade-off is unnecessary if you adopt interventions that are both harmless AND highly effective, such as adequate vitamin D and early treatment.

A dilemma is a choice where all options have serious disadvantages. If you find yourself confronted with a dilemma, the very first step you should do is to look everywhere for more options that are both harmless and highly effective. Look for people and places who are already having success ('Bright spots') and find out what factors led to those successes. Then copy, adapt and integrate these interventions into an integral policy for your own context.

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