What Is Precision Or Personalized Oncology? - Ralph Moss

3 years ago

What Is Precision Or Personalized Oncology? - Ralph Moss

Ralph Moss

• https://www.mossreports.com/
• Book - Cancer, Incorporated and Immunotherapy: The Battle Within

The medical writer Ralph W. Moss, PhD, has written or edited twelve books and four film documentaries on questions relating to cancer research and treatment.
Dr. Moss is a graduate of New York University (BA, cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, 1965) and Stanford University (MA, 1973, PhD, 1974, Classics). He is the former science writer and assistant director of public affairs at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York (1974-1977). Since leaving Sloan-Kettering in 1977, Moss has independently evaluated the claims of conventional and non-conventional cancer treatments all over the world.

He currently writes Moss Reports, detailed reports on the most common cancer diagnoses and provides informational and personalized consultations for cancer patients and their families. In 2019, he wrote The Ultimate Guide to Cancer: DIY Research, to help lay people research their own cancers. This 50-page report is available free of charge at the mossreports.com website.

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