Psaki Has One Job And She Doesn't Even Want To Do That! Why The Attitude?

3 years ago

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki dumped out of a contentious exchange with New York Post reporter Steven Nelson by telling him “I think we’re done!”

Psaki briefed reporters on Monday with a hard deadline that left only about 25 minutes for her to take questions. But that didn’t stop Nelson from taking 3 different shots at the same question about a Vanity Fair report on Covid testing, as well as a follow-up about President Joe Biden’s travel to his Wilmington home.

“I’m kind of amazed hasn’t been brought up more in this group,” Nelson began, and then described a VF report about “a Zoom meeting with administration officials” in October, during which a proposal to”mass distribute coronavirus tests to homes before Christmas to prevent a winter surge of COVID 19 cases,” a plan that was rejected at the time.

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