140 He Desired To See Him (Luke 9:7-9)

3 years ago

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: We look at the Chinese Covid Virus "Scaredemic" and the "Psychotic Delusion" driving American citizens to turn on each other and report neighbors and "friends" when they do not wear a mask or practice "social distancing". We also review some Thanksgiving weekend humor including a short clip or the new BBF tradition of singing, "Meet Me There" pirate-style.

In our study, Herod Antipas (the son of Herod the Great) is trouble by the reports he is hearing about Jesus. Confused about exactly who Jesus is due to his ignorance of Scripture and his lost condition spiritually, "he desired to see him". But not really to KNOW Him. Like the mass majority of people who have lived on this planet for the past 2,000 years and more so as we approach His return.


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