Perunnal Qafila | Ayisha Abdul Basith

3 years ago

Perunnal Qafila - A Female version of Bismil Mohammed’s beautiful lyrics. The poet beautifully narrates the view point of a bunch of Abaabeel birds here. These Abaabeel birds do visit Masjidul Haram for every Eid day, but this year they found the surrounding of Masjidul Haram as empty, there is no Thwawaf and area around Hajarul Aswad was also empty.

Vocal : Ayisha Abdul Basith
Lyrics : Bismil Mohamed
Composed By : Bismil Mohamed, Shameem TGI, Aslam Pang
Mastered By : Mohammad Akbar
Editing & Cuts : Hasan Kuchkarov
Recorded at : Ayisha’s Mini Studio
DOP : Abdul Basith

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