We the people are pushing back

3 years ago

Not the result we wanted today, however this is still progress

These police officers and inspectors are now on camera being explained the severity of what is going on at the moment and are now aware that they are complicit to the crimes that are happening

The police were not even aware of the Yellow Card scheme and it is a bit of an insult that the people here to defend us are very poorly informed of life right now

A matter of Time before the momentum swings in our favour

Literally a matter of time

If you would like more information of how to do this yourself please do reach out

Remember this is not about opinions, this is about Facts and the fact of the matter is, that many people are dying and lives have been ruined due to this experimental drug

For the doubters, this is a live criminal investigation and for those who fool for the denial of this by police and governments are buying into more lies.

The evidence is overwhelming and they will have to act soon

We are that point of being on the wrong side or the right side in history

Stand up with we the people and we will all look back at this moment when one brave Constable and their team does the right thing

All in all today was still progress, we will continue to chip away

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