FDA STOLE AND FINALLY approve Dr. Burzynski Cancer Cure to move forward!

2 years ago

Credit to Skywatcher17 for this GREAT, AWESOME FIND!
We would like the videos for the sound frequency cancer cure too.
As pointed out, these 2 methods of treatment used together could possibly be close to a 100% cure rate. Some can't benefit from Dr. Burzynski's method because the cancer is to bad and the body can't survive long enough to take advantage of it. The sound frequency method can be directed right at and to the cancer killing it instantly. Then the use of Dr. Burzynski's peptide restoring method, COULD mean even those slated for death because of advanced cancer are CURED!

FDA FINALLY approves Dr. Burzynski Cancer Cure to move forward!

They tried to shut him down after only ONE patient died during trials. Yet the CoupVid trials (before release) had SEVERAL patients die, and MANY more since. Let THAT sink in!
They tried to hijack his patents while persecuting him!
Plus letting people suffer and die trying to capture the treasure chest of profits. Or lock it up for advancing the depopulation agenda...

Credit to:


Because even as the skeptics and trolls do everything they can to shoot down the discovery on every single article and video released in support of the technique’s proven successes, for reasons that include the subconscious fears of real answers to questions regarding why this treatment isn’t already widely used, if it truly didn’t work better than what Western-trained doctors are still being forced to do, then why did the agents of deceit in the US government, BigPharma and related individuals collude with one of Burzynski’s own research scientists to file 11 different patents on the very same, non-toxic, Antineoplastons AS2-1 medical technology? #6,037,376, #5,635,532, #5,605,530, #5,852,056,#5,654,333, #5,661,179, #5,635,533, #5,710,178, #5,843,994, #5,877,213, #5,881,124. Only failing to accomplish the patent hijacking after a Grand Jury acquitted Burzynski of any wrongdoing, during the establishment’s 4th and most recent attempt to put him in prison for the very same technology they were trying to patent.

The only question left unanswered immediately becoming whether they were going to capitalize on the discovery after his imprisonment, or bury it, just as the establishment has done to countless others in the past. Which include discoveries and inventions that span a wide array of different industries, such as health, medicine, energy, transportation, etc.

Special thanks to sheepdogu!

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