Why Should You Day Dream?

3 years ago

Why Should You Day Dream?
Zorina Dimitrova and Nicolina Werther talk about the benefits of day-dreaming. How to increase your motivation and achieve your goals. What is the difference between free-flow day dreaming and day dreaming with intention? Is there a process to day dream to help you reap the benefits, rather than waste your time?

Join Nicolina’s FREE webinar on Saturday, 22nd Jan: Building Momentum - Free Workshop to REstart 2022 with more ease & oomph: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/building-momentum-free-workshop-to-restart-2022-with-more-ease-oomph-tickets-244354409617

Join Zorina’s free webinar on Recovering your self- worth on Sunday, 23rd Jan: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcld-2vpz8vGNP7fWAwk7v2ILhtiQEnS4-g

❤️ Wouldn’t it be great if there was a quick and easy way to Recover your self-worth?

Your low motivation to take care of your health, to find a relationship, or the job you deserve would all go away.

Yes, it is possible, and I can teach you how very quickly. There is a breakthrough way to rewrite your negative associations to your self-worth and replace them with the image of yourself you truly are and deserve to be.

I’d love to share it with you FREE during my upcoming Mastermind group.

For the past two years I have been teaching the Healnlearn Method, based on the Silva method.

Date and Time: 23 Jan 2022, 8pm CET

Spots are strictly limited, so click below to grab your free spot now... 👇👇

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