Base jumpers launch themselves from 1,000-meter high cliff into cloudy abyss

3 years ago

This is the moment a pair of thrill-seeking base jumpers launched themselves from a 1,000-meter high cliff face into a cloudy abyss.

Tom Newberry, 32, and Callum Coldwell-Story, filmed themselves jumping from one of the peaks of Mount Brento, Italy.

Footage shows the pair, who recorded themselves with a GoPro attached to Tom's helmet, as they become surrounded by thick clouds and fog.

This stunt performed is known as a 'Mr.Bill', where two athletes fly on the same parachute.

The pair decided to spice it up by having Callum, a carpenter from Ambleside, Cumbria, hang from Tom’s lower half.

Tom, a teacher from Exeter, Devon, said: “We had been in Italy training our skills before heading to the Swiss Alps.

"Towards the end of the week we wanted to do something more fun so we came up with the plan, no idea whether it would work or not.

“As you can see from the huge smiles, a lot of fun was had on this jump!”

The footage was on September 17, 2021.

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