March On VP Debate 2020 | Salt Lake City, Utah

3 years ago

On October 7th, 2020 in Salt Lake City, Utah protesters marched on the 2020 VP Debate. The crowd of demonstrators that assembled was mainly filled with former president Donald J. Trumps supporters. A small group of Black Lives Matter supporters from Utah Against Police Brutality (UAPB) and Party For Socialism And Liberation Salt Lake City (PSL SLC) marched to the event to counter the large group of MAGA supporters.

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Sorry for the bad audio at points, poor Livestream signal.


00:00 - Into
01:00 - Obama Was Not Born In America
06:00 - BLM House Party And British Cops
09:30 - Black Lives Matter Is Racist
10:40 - Proud Boys Chant Fuck Antifa
11:30 - Leader of the Proud Boys
20:35 - Is That The Pussy John Sullivan Karen asked
20:00 - Jade Sacker Introduction
48:40 - Black Fathers and Inner Cities

#jaydenx #slc #protest

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