"Oh no, please no, absolutely not": NHS doctor advises against taking COVID jab

3 years ago

A video has emerged on social media of a doctor telling a UK woman not to take any more COVID vaccines as the shots are about to be halted globally.

In the video, a woman named Chelsea Harman had called a doctor last week in a telemedicine appointment after she had developed 3 lumps on her head following her first shot on Friday, January 14th. Shockingly, the doctor whose name is unknown, then tells her not to take any more shots as the worldwide vaccination scheme is about to come to an end as new information has emerged the public has not yet been made aware of.


The doctor is heard telling Harman in the stunning phone call: “…There wasn’t enough information. And it’s a lot more coming up especially for the young people whose immunity is intact, apparently, that’s enough.”

Harman sought clarification, asking: “So just to make sure, you think I shouldn’t have any more vaccines then?”

The doctor then advises: “If you ask me this would be my advice but, yes."

The doctor is heard telling Harman in the stunning phone call: “…There wasn’t enough information. And it’s a lot more coming up especially for the young people whose immunity is intact, apparently, that’s enough.”

Harman sought clarification, asking: “So just to make sure, you think I shouldn’t have any more vaccines then?”

The doctor then advises: “If you ask me this would be my advice but, yes.”


Video and text above: https://thecovidworld.com/bombshell-doctor-tells-patient-on-phonecall-not-to-take-any-more-covid-vaccines-because-theyll-soon-be-halted-globally/
Thumbnail: https://www.bitchute.com/video/FZqiubraWIVn/

I wonder how this doctor has reached the conclusion that the jabs will be halted soon. Perhaps she has read the scientific literature, studied the official data and used her own observations and reasoning power to conclude that the jabs are unnecessary, toxic and ineffective. On the basis of that correct conclusion, perhaps her reasoning is that the mass vaccination campaign will be halted soon, because that is what SHE would do if she were in power.

However, she is NOT the one in power. The people in power care about money, power, ideology, ego and other things unrelated to public health. Undoubtedly there will be some people who really do care about public health. These people have a lot of mourning and cognitive dissonance to work through, seeing that THEY caused all this unnecessary misery and death with their monomaniacal focus on mass inoculation with a unnecessary, toxic, ineffective experimental product.

Also, even though the doctor on the telehealth call is absolutely correct and even though she is doing exactly what her Hippocratic Oath instructs her to do ("First, do no harm"), she's likely to get in huge amounts of trouble for stepping out of line. The COVID Cult does NOT take kindly to dissenters. This is simply the nature of cults.

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